Plug-in Power Usage Meter

24 reviews

Pack Size: Single Unit
Sale price$19.95 Regular price$29.95
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Uncover The Running Costs of Your Appliances

The Reduction Revolution Power Meter measures any standard plug-in appliance's energy usage and running cost.

Here's what it measures:

  • Watts (W) is the real-time wattage or power draw. Don't trust the label or what someone told you; now you can check it yourself!
  • Kilowatt-hours (kWh) is the total energy usage over time. It's what you are billed for, so you can cross-check your electricity bill.
  • Cost ($) is the accumulated running cost based on the electricity tariff you enter (optional).
  • Volts (V) is the voltage of your electricity supply.

Our power meter will help you focus your energy-saving efforts on the right appliances. It may even help you to settle some arguments about who or what uses the most electricity.

Power Usage Meter

Unlike other power meters, the latest Reduction Revolution Power Meter is compact and easy to use.

How to Measure Your Power Usage

The Reduction Revolution Power Meter does not require any complex set-up.

You can take it out of the box and use it straight away.

Here's how it works:

  1. Plug it into a power outlet, and then plug any appliance (or power board) into it. It will immediately show you power usage and begin tracking cumulative energy usage. Click the MODE button to scroll through the readings.
  2. If you wish to track costs, press the MODE button for three seconds to enter your electricity tariff.
  3. It doesn't require batteries but will save your data, even when unplugged. Press the reset button ('R') with the nib of a pen or pencil if you want to zero the readings and start again.

Specifications - Plug-in Power Meter

Plug Type Standard 10A Australia / New Zealand 3-pin power plug & socket
Range 0 - 2,400W
Key Measurements Kilowatt-hours (kWh) - 0.00 to 9999 kWh
Total $ - 0.00 to $9999
Watts (W) and Voltage (V) - to one decimal place
Data Storage The power meter saves your cumulative readings, even when unplugged. It does not require any batteries.
Dimensions 108mm (height) x 57mm (width) x 48mm (depth excluding pins)
Weight 100 grams
Product Identifiers RRPM03; Reduction Revolution Plug-in Power Meter. Previous models sold include: Steplight Power Meter, RRPM01, RRPM02
Further Details User Guide or PDF
Warranty 2 Years

Power Usage Meter FAQs

How accurate are the readings?

The Reduction Revolution Power Meter has been tested against high-end power meters like the Power-Mate. Unlike other low-cost power meters on the market, the readings are of a comparably high accuracy.

What is the lowest power usage it can measure?

It can measure down to about 0.5W - a tiny amount of standby power.

How many tariffs can be entered?

You can enter one electricity tariff. We recommend entering an average tariff of $0.35/kWh if you are unsure what to enter or if your tariffs vary throughout the day, week, or year.

Does the Power Meter measure 'Real Power'?

Yes, the Reduction Revolution Power Meter measures ‘Real Power’ - which is what you are billed for. Power is measured instantaneously in Watts (W) and over time in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Other meters have failed to measure this correctly in the past, leading to incorrect readings.

Do you offer a wholesale price?

Yes, see our reduced price for a Carton of 60. It's ideal for re-sale, promotional gifts, and energy education programs. Energy utilities, local governments, and others across Australia and NZ have used the Reduction Revolution Power Usage Meter.

What other electricity monitoring devices do you sell?

The plug-in power meter described on this page is our lowest-cost and easiest-to-use power meter. We recommend that everyone has one to de-mystify and check their energy usage. Here are some other products we sell for monitoring your power usage:

  • The Power-Mate Lite is a professional tool for more technical users. It shows more detailed parameters but is not necessary for most customers.
  • The Power-Mate 15A meter is for larger 15A power sockets. Some caravans, electric vehicles, commercial kitchens, and boat marinas use these.
  • Our hard-wired electrical sub-meters are the best solution for metering whole circuits or on-billing a sub-tenant.
  • Finally, our wireless energy monitors capture the energy usage of an entire property.

Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
Peter B. (Sunshine Coast)

Very good service and an easy to use device.

Allan H. (Adelaide)

Reduction Revolution Plug-in Power Meter

Suzie M. (Brisbane)
Reduction Revolution Plug-in Power Meter

Ordered 2 - worked well. Was hoping some of my appliances were using too much power, but Reduction revolution said no - so all good!

Thanks for the review. If you want to dig deeper into your energy usage, we have a few guides which can help:

Janessa L. (Sunshine Coast)

Great little device

Jeffrey N. (Wollongong)
Reduction Revolution Plug-in Power Meter

Arrived quickly and so easy to setup and use.

Each week I monitor a different appliance. Soon I'll have a baseline of usage and cost so I can monitor my power bills more closely.
The meters can't measure hardwired appliances i.e. air conditioners, lights etc

It is surprising at what you learn about your appliances and the power that they use and approximate cost to run.

Nolene R. (Adelaide)

Great plug-in power meter. Simple to use. Purchased more than one. Helps monitor power usage of your products.

Robert Y. (Brisbane)
Does the job.

Precision a bit limiting to only 0.01kWh - but that's what you pay for. Had the opportunity to borrow a Power-Mate Lite and precision is down to 0.0001kWh; additionally the yearly extrapolation allows you to measure for a shorter time period while retaining the precision of the instantaneous reading (0.01W) - this is certainly better, and the accuracy I would expect to be better of course; but for the considerably cheaper price, this does the job.

Gabor U. (Los Angeles)
Power Meter

Works well, I needed a power meter to figure out what sort (capacity) of UPS to buy to keep my refrigerator and other devices (computers, routers etc.) powered up during a scheduled/unscheduled black out.
Also, I'm very happy with the prompt service provided.

Bruce S. (Melbourne)
Works quite well.

Have only just installed the two power meters and it's a bit early to tell, but it appears they will assist in reducing my power costs.

Peter C. (Melbourne)
10 amp power meter

Great little device works well

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