If you have a credit card statement with the payment or merchant name like this or similar:

  • Pin* Reduction Rev
  • Pin* Reduction Revo
  • Pin* Reduction Revol
  • Pin* Reduction Revolu
  • Pin* Reduction Revolut
  • Pin* Reduction Revolutio
  • Pin Reduction Revolution
  • Location = Milsons Point (or Milsons Poit, Milsons Poin)

It likely means that you, or someone else in your family or company, purchased from our online energy efficiency store.

If so, it is NOT a fraud order or a scam, you may have forgotten or not been told about the purchase.

Please check with the cardholder and search your email for the Tax Invoice and Order Confirmation we sent you.

It includes PIN at the front because Pin Payments is our credit card payment provider. They process all our Visa, Mastercard, and American Express (Amex) transactions. Pin Payments is the trading name of Southern Payments Systems, ABN 46154451582.

If you have any questions or are unsure about a purchase please contact us and we can look up your order. Be sure to let us know as much information as possible including:

  • The exact dollar value amount in question,
  • The date of the transaction,
  • The card holders name, and
  • The company or business name, if relevant.